Media & Podcasts

Autumn Beam featured in the Documentary: Eat Play Diet
Autumn Beam is one of a few experts that answer the million-dollar question: What diet should I actually be eating? In a world of dietary confusion, “Eat, Play, Diet” emerges

Your Life Rocks Podcast: Are There Benefits in FAD Diets?
Jenny Stemmerman asked Autumn to return for another episode, this time to discuss fad diets. When a diet works great for a friend, but not for you, what’s the difference?

Insatiable Podcast: Transitioning to a Healthcare Career
Transitioning to a Healthcare Career Autumn joins Ali Shapiro and a couple other wellness advocates to talk about how they transitioned from different careers into the wellness space. Autumn shares

Your Life Rocks Podcast: How to Combat Stress with Nutrition
Autumn joined entrepreneur and life-balance expert, Jenny Stemmerman to discuss stress and how it take its toll on our bodies. Autumn shares real-life tips to thrive in your everyday life,

Weekend Wow With Tracy Arnston
Autumn joined fitness expert and wellness advocate, Tracy Arnston, on her Facebook Live show Weekend Wow. She had her as a guest to talk about SUGAR: where it is hidden,